Uptown's Story

It was just a dream, or so I thought….

From a very young age I had always dreamed that one day I would own a business of some sort. But I never thought I was lucky enough to achieve this. Up until about a year ago, I held down a full-time day job and a part-time evening job. While being a wife and mother of two, and attempting to juggle school along with being at the hockey rink most nights of the week. Needless to say I was not happy nor satisfied with my how hectic my life was getting, my work life was the major part of this feeling. Work was not fulfilling for me and there was very little work life balance. I clearly was not living my life to the fullest. I wanted something to be proud of, something that I was excited about, and made me want to get out of bed in the morning. Something that made me feel as fulfilled as being a mother and wife. Perhaps a service or product that everyone just “had to have”. More and more this thought kept coming to light, I spent a lot of time thinking of what I could do, what service or product was just that.

It wasn’t until on night I was getting ready to have some friends over and I was putting my “face on” that’s when it hit me. I absolutely love the way I look and feel when I get all dulled up with hair and makeup, Confident with a hint of sexy. I often wonder if I am the only one that feels this. But that was my fuel I needed to start my fire, I was extremely excited thinking about this and how to bring it to life, That’s when I knew that I would never be able to be completely happy and fulfilled working for someone else. Why would I continue to keep working those two jobs and all those hours and not be completely happy with that part of my life….. I knew I had to make a drastic change. For the next few months I did research after research I knew that I had to be apart of the beauty industry, and provide that product that was a “HAD TO HAVE” product. That product that makes all of us feel our utmost beautiful, I'm not  just meaning cosmetics I wanted to reach everyone. That meant I would need to also accommodate those individuals that don’t necessarily wear cosmetics but also like me that have a skin care regimen. Once that light bulb went on for me, that’s when I realized that luck is not just handed out to people. NO… you make your own luck. Shortly after I took the first baby steps to create my brand and become a business owner. With the unconditional love and support from my family and a lot of hard work I have now turned my dream into our reality. I could not be prouder and more excited to share my brand with the world.

EST- 2021 Uptown Beauty was born.

Be apart of the UB Family

Here at Uptown Beauty we specialize in providing you with the hottest Cosmetic and Skin care line up, while keeping the quality outstanding. We achieve this by working closely with our Canadian manufacturer to produce only the highest quality products for all our customers. Uptown has no intentions of stopping at just the cosmetics and skin care line, there are plans to add at least two more major line ups which to will be all Canadian made and manufactured. We aim to satisfy all your NEEDS, WANTS & WISHES, by providing phenomenal customer service. With over 400 lipstick shades, 250 eyeshadow shades, customizable palettes, foundation for everyone and so much more. Uptown is committed to helping our customers find exactly what they are looking for and making it your one stop shop for all your must haves.

Uptown is proud to say that we carry 99% Canadian made products, apart from a few items. We are Paraben Free, Hypo-Allergenic, Non-Comedogenic, Fragrance Free Cosmetics, Not Tested on animals, Halal Certified, EU Compliant and of course Canadian Made.

You the consumer will always be our top priority; we hope you love our products as much as we love making them for you. STAY B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !